Monday, May 5, 2008

I think it may be time...

I have decided it may be time to start really potty training Eli. He will be three in a couple of weeks and he has been showing some signs of being ready. We have been casually potty training (yes, that exists in my world) for about a month now and I have discovered an interesting fact about my darling son... the YMCA stimulates the need to use the potty. Every time Eli has been at the Y over the last 6 weeks he has used the potty. Now, having said that, he has yet to use his potty chair at home... WHY?

So, starting tomorrow... I am going to put a pair of painties (okay, underwear, I guess he is a boy) on him in the morning and ask him non-stop if he has to use the potty. I have 8 pair of Diego underwear, we will see how long it lasts... wish me luck!


I tried. I made valiant effort to let my son go through all of his underwear, but by pair three (in just 45 minutes) I decided he wasn't ready. So, we are going to wait a week and try again.

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
