Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tooth Number Two

Last night Isobel lost her second tooth. We had just finished watching the Kit Kittredge movie on pay per view and bed time had already come and gone. She was fast approaching the point of exhausted self pity and more than ready to visit Lily White's party. She turned to look at me and I noticed that her tooth was sitting sideways across the gaping hole in her gums. This tooth was a fighter; it was hanging on to that last sliver of gum with a golden grip. As ready for sleep as this child was, I just couldn't put her to bed with that tooth. I knew there was no way it would make it through the night and I did not want to deal with the messy tooth fairy situation if the tooth disappeared in the middle of the night.

We spent the next 15 - 20 minutes taking turns wiggling her tooth (which was super gross). Finally, 28 minutes after bed time Isobel pulled the tooth from her mouth. She had won!
We rushed to bed and made sure to leave the tooth under her bed for the magical gift exchange. As it turns out, the Tooth Fairy was successful yet again. Isobel was very excited this morning when she awoke to her very own copy of Meet Kit. She cannot wait to start reading about the life of Kit Kittredge and her best friend "Goofy" Ruthie.

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
