Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a rebel yell...

The Thursday before Halloween Isobel came home more than a little upset. She was furious because I had told her she could wear her costume to school and her teacher told her she could not. It never even occurred to me that this was a possibility. Jon, who is ever the hero dad, ran out to Target to try and find a holloweeny shirt. He came home with this awesome skull shirt, but it was way too big. This meant that he had to go back to Target and get a smaller size, which he did willingly. Isobel loves this shirt and wears it on a regular basis, even though "it is a boy’s shirt".

This is Isobel's attempt to look dark and rebellious.

I think she fails, but I imagine she will figure it out before she hits the teen years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is so intimidating!!! :)


Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
