Thursday, April 17, 2008

Crazy love...

Today Isobel had a friend over after school; everything seemed to be going great. Eli, Isobel and her friend (we will call her B) were upstairs in Eli's room playing dress up... everyone seemed so happy.

All of a sudden Isobel comes pounding down the stairs "Eli is having more fun with B than me. I think he likes her more." She was devastated by this possibility. I assured her that Eli likes no one in the world more than he likes her (which I believe to be true).

My brilliant solution is to color; with Isobel this seems to be the solution to any problem... so I call B and Eli down to color with Isobel.

I set up the big paper scroll to cover the table and pull out three little stools for the kids to sit on. Isobel sat in one and Eli and B came running down the stairs to join her.

This is when the drama really began...

Isobel wanted to sit next to Eli and B. B wanted to sit next to Eli and Isobel. After much debate, in the classic “sit here”, “no sit here” kind of way, Eli sat down next to B. Isobel started to cry, and not the "I really want attention kind of cry", but the "you just pulled my heart out of my chest and stomped on it" kind of cry. She jumped up and ran away. Poor Eli was shocked, he didn't know what happened. He had a look of pure horror on his face and went chasing after her yelling "I want to sit by you Bel". Then he told her he was sorry gave her a big hug and kiss and pulled his stool around so he could sit next to her.

It was crazy sweet, emphasis on the crazy.

I can't decide if they will be super close when they get older or if he will get so annoyed with her dramatic tendencies that he will avoid her completely. Either way, it is fun to watch now.

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
