Saturday, September 20, 2008

Now it is Eli's turn...

Eli started pre-school last week. It has not been an easy transition for him. He is excited at the idea of going to school, but the reality kicks his separation anxiety into high gear. It is heart breaking to see him cry and kick and scream... which is amplified by my own separation anxiety issues.

Last Thursday was his first full (half) day and he was so excited to go. He actually ran over to the preschool and was ready to go into class. I dropped him off easily, he just said "bye, mom" and ran to play. However, when I came to pick him up his teacher told me that he had a little difficulty when he realized I was gone. They ended up taking him to see Isobel's old teacher and he perked up. Kudos to Eli's teachers for such a great idea... I am not sure anyone else would have thought to incorporate something familiar in that manner. Just the fact that they realized Isobel was there last year and Eli would know her teachers solidified the caliber of this establishment in my mind.

Unfortunately, the blackout caused school closures last week, so he didn't go on Tuesday... I think that break had a greater impact than I could have imagined.

Thursday, he ran out the door super excited about his preschool adventure, upset that it had been so long since he had been at school.

He kept yelling "Come on, Mom. We are going to be late!"

When we arrived at the school he was ready. Then he turned to me and said...

"Okay, mom. You wait right here. I will be back in a little bit."

"Eli, I can't wait here. I have to go home. I will be back to pick you up when school is over."

"No. You wait right here."

"No, bug... you are a big boy now, and big boys go to school without their mom's."

"I don't want to go to school. I want to go home with you. I hate school."

I somehow managed to get him to go into class by asking him to give something to his teachers. He caught on to my trick and gave it to one of the other mom's and ran out of the room. I chased him out of the room trying to console him, but it didn't work... he was in a full blown separation anxiety attack. A few minutes later one of the teachers came out and asked him to help her pick out the snack, he said no, he wanted to go home! She picked him up and I said "Bye, bug... I love you." and ran out the door.

When I picked him up he was fine, but as we walked out the door he said...

"I hate school and I am never going back!"

I can't wait until Tuesday!

Any advice as to how to get through it is welcomed...


Unknown said...

The boys used to have a hard time...nothing too bad, but would have the bouts of "I don't want to go."
The best thing I've found is to drop them off, give them a kiss, and tell them I'll see them in a few hours and leave immediately. The longer you stay, the harder it is for them.
That is what the teachers suggest to all of the parents during open house. If he follows you, you might inform the teacher that you'll need a little help from them to hold him while you leave.
Good luck!

Marissa said...

That has been my course of action... it kills me, but I do it. Yesterday he went in without any tears at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.

Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
