Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gum vs. Peas...

Tonight, at dinner, Eli told us that he hates gum. This is an odd statement considering he has never had gum. So, of course, I decide that I have to test this theory and see if he really hates gum. I decide the best way to do this is an ultimatum, one that will ensure he will pick the gum.

My bright idea... "Eli, you either have to eat your peas or chew this gum."

His first reply (after much thought) was "peas". Well, Isobel could not allow it; she was shocked. This made Eli change his mind and pick the gum.

I got out a piece of gum (EXTRA bubblegum) and gave it to him. He put it in his mouth and immediately spit it back out and said "I hate gum".

He then ate his peas.

Who knew that gum could work in this capacity? I typically consider gum a reward. Apparently I have to rethink the power of gum.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

I have been very lucky in my life when it comes to Dad's.

I have a fantastic father who was (and is) always there for me. He is one of those dad's who lets you make your own mistakes and then helps you pick up all the pieces when it is over. Although, he has not always liked my decisions, he has always supported them, and for that he will always be my hero.

Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you!

I also have a fantastic husband, who is a fantastic father. I cannot imagine raising my children without Jon. He is the one who gets up in the middle of the night when the kids cry (I am such a heavy sleeper, it is insane), gives the kids baths, reads to the kids before bed and he rarely misses an event. I am very lucky to have him, and so are our children.

Happy Father's Day, Jon! We love you!

Wait...we can cuss?

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou

Okay, so I know I am new to this blogging thing, but did you know you can cuss? I am one of those people who cuss all the time, and I mean all the time. I use the "F" word as if it is going out of style, but I never imagined that you could cuss on your blog. Yes, yes, I realize that it is a web journal and therefore, it is whatever you want it to be, but still, cussing never occurred to me. In fact, I have been very careful to not cuss. As I am reassured, unnecessarily, that I have no cussing on my blog, I find out that the average on the web is 11%. That means that of the posts on the average blog, 11% contain cussing... I really have to get my act together, or rather, let it fall apart...

Two weeks in, Two months to go...

Summer is exhausting. As a child, I hated the idea of year round school. As a parent, I am open to it.

Isobel spent the first week of June at Safety Town. If you have a child about to start kindergarten and you have Safety Town in your area, check it out. It really was great experience for her. She was sad when it ended.

My parents were here last week with my niece (L) and my nephew (Z). I am so glad they came. The kids had a great time and I finally got to spend some time with Z. He is such a great addition to our family and I am so thankful that he and my sister found each other. I have never spent much time thinking about adoption, but I am so glad that it is available. I can't imagine any reality without Z as a part of our family. If anyone is looking for an International Adoption blog, feel free to check out my sisters.

Now that we are back on a semi-ordinary schedule, I will be able to blog more (I am sure you have all been checking daily and cursing me for my lack of posts). I will add some pictures soon... of course I didn't take a single picture last week, so there won't be any of L and Z... but then I would have to ask my sister for permission to post them, and I am too much of a rebel for that...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Emmy's birthday...

I just realized that I didn't post pics from Emmy's birthday...

Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
