Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hot potato...

Jon made a valiant, but unsuccessful effort to get Eli to eat his potatoes the other night.

Jon: "Eli look your sisters love them. Isobel is on her second helping and Emmy has had like five helpings, in fact Emmy is going to turn into a potato."

Eli: "You have a potato costume, Daddy?"

Monkey or Man...


Me: "Eli, what's your favorite fruit?"

Eli: "Bananas, but I'm not a monkey, I'm a man."

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Show (2)

Seriously cute!

Isobel is so shy about singing... you can hear her but the minute the camera is on her she stops. It has become a game between Jon and Isobel over the years. Isobel won... this time.

The Show (1)

My children are so darn cute...

Best Friends Forever...

Preparing for Isobel's birthday party was quite a chore. I had no idea it could be so difficult to plan a 6th birthday.

After much deliberation we decided to go with a girls only party. Mostly because there were only three boys Isobel wanted to invite. One was out of town for the month and one was unlisted, making it impossible to send an invitation. The idea of inviting only one boy seemed cruel.

She carefully chose her guest list. It took three days for her to narrow it down to the 13 she wanted to invite. She was constantly adding and removing people. Finally she had it just right and we sent out the invitations.

Two days before her party Isobel came home from school and told me that she had to invite a girl in her class to her party.

"Isobel she wasn't on your list and now it is too late to add her." I calmly told her, although I was a little irritated considering how meticulous she was in creating her list.

"But I have to Mom." she whined.


"Because she is my best friend."

"If she is your best friend, why wasn't she on your original list?"

"She only told me we were best friends today, mom."

I just love this girl!

Time Warp...

I have not been very good about updating this blog. I want to say that it is because I have been so busy, but that would be a lie. The truth is that previously when I had free time I would write on the blog... now, when I have free time I spend it on Facebook. Seriously, that little social networking site is just a complete and total time warp. A fantastic time warp, but a time warp none the less. However, I have been able to reconnect with people that I love making it worth every single lost minute.

What this means is that I have a little notebook with stories for the blog... the problem is that they will be completely out of sequence and happened a long, long time ago. I am, however, still going to post them... because they are cute. And what is the point of this outlet if not for cute stories about my kids... I hope you will bear with me over the next couple of days while I catch up. After that, I will try very hard to add some new stories on a regular basis.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Isobel's Birthday Party...

So, a really, really long time ago Isobel turned six. A few days before she turned six, she had a birthday party. It was a fantastic birthday party. She and 14 of her friends (including Eli and a few other younger siblings) spent an hour running around an obstacle course in the gymnastics studio at the YMCA. Did I mention it was fantastic?!?

Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
