Friday, March 25, 2011

Doctor Who

I love, love, love Doctor Who! Unfortunately, I am of a generation that didn't have access to the Doctor as children. I didn't even meet the Time Lord until his 9th incarnation, portrayed by Christopher Eccleston. I became smitten with the 9th doctor, but he didn't fully capture my heart until his 10th incarnation, portrayed by David Tennant. I honestly wasn't sure I would ever recover from the heartache of the three knocks which caused the catastrophic regeneration and tragic departure of David Tennant. In his next incarnation, Matt Smith had to work very hard to win me over as the 11th doctor, but alas he prevailed and I am more in love than ever.

For the first time in the history of the series the doctor and his companions filmed episodes on US soil. I am holding an imaginary grudge agains all people who were lucky enough to be in the Salt Lake City, UT area during the filming.

Below is a video released by the BBC to introduce the first two-part episode of the upcoming season which will air on BBC America April 23rd. Enjoy!

If you have not been privy to Doctor Who, please take some time to check it out. All five seasons of the new series, and a number of seasons from the original series, are currently available on Netflix live streaming. You can also catch re-runs on BBC America, check your local listings for times.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Forth...

Today is National Grammar Day. One of my biggest regrets in life is that I didn't pay more attention to grammar and spelling when I was younger. Writing is one of my favorite past times and I spend more time than necesary debating the correctness of my grammar. It should be second nature and it is not. It is important to me that my children excel at grammar and I love that there is a day to celebrate the importance of having a firm grasp on the rules of your language.

Happy National Grammar Day!

"March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reading Wednesday - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

It is almost impossible for me to tell you which Dr. Seuss book is my favorite. All day I have been reading quotes from his collection and each time I think "Ooh... I love that one!" or "Oh, I forgot about that one, wow!". I think that my favorite was ever revolving and changing.

Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! was my favorite when I was a small child. I have vivid memories (some of my earliest) of my Dad and I laying in my bed reading this book. I was read this book so many times as a child that when it came time to read it to my kids, I didn't have to look at the pages. This was also the first book that Izzy "read" to me. She was 3 years old and she "read" every word without even one singe look at the book. It was amazing!

My other favorites only presented themselves after I had kids. Not that I didn't read and love Dr. Seuss as a child, I just see them differently as a mom. While I previously found the nonsensical words irritating, I have learned to love how important they are when teaching kids to read. The pictures in relation to the rhyming words make it easy for young readers to sound out the words and create connections that constantly expand their growing vocabulary.

Green Eggs and Ham was the first book Isobel actually read from beginning to end. She made so many new connections reading that book. It was simple enough that she had the necessary confidence to push herself, but with words she had never tried to read before. She made the connection that could, would and should all sound the same, she recognized that both know and no sound the same but are different words. As a parent, it is difficult to watch your child struggle through something as difficult as learning to read and I am not sure I would have made it though without Dr. Seuss to help me along.

The other thing I love about Dr. Seuss is that every book has a simple, kid friendly message. These messages revolve around respecting yourself, respecting others and respecting your environment. These three items are the most basic and important values a child can learn. Everything they do in life will stem from learning and understanding the importance of these three things.

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!
Thank you for all you have done for me as both a child and a parent.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kings Firecrackers

I am a lucky girl. I have a husband who is kind and loving, three beautiful children, a job I love (even if just for the time being) and I love where I live.

Today, Izzy participated in a jump rope clinic hosted by the Kings Firecrackers. Those of you who don't live in the area or spend a lot of time frequenting half time shows may not be aware of who the Firecrakers are... I would like to introduce you.

What a fantastic way to combine fun and exercise. I can honestly say that every child at the clinic had a red face by the end of the clinic. They had clearly been working hard and in the process getting just a bit healthier.

I hate Coconut...

I hate coconut... It isn't only the flavor, it is the texture. I just can't stand the feel of coconut in my mouth. The thought of it makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Yuck!

A few weeks ago, my dear friend, S, told me that she had tried Samoas for the first time this year and loved them. She had always been a beloved member of my "hate coconut" camp. However, in the fifteen years S. and I have been friends, she has never steered me wrong. So, I ordered my very first box of Samoas.

Today, Emmy and I opened that box and we tried our first Samoa. I have to say... I do not know what those Girl Scouts do with these cookies, but they are delicious. As a tried and true Coconut hater, I can honestly say these cookies break out of the coconut mold and melt in your mouth. If you are like me and refused to try Samoas because you don't like coconut... I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and take just one bite.

Girl Scouts are out at cookie booths pushing their tasty treats, check your local grocery store and buy a box of Samoas (or any of the other varieties). At only $3.50 a box, buying cookies is great way to help your local Girl Scouts (oh and did I mention the yummy cookies).

*FOLLOW UP GAME: How many times can one person use the word coconut in a single post?*

Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
