Friday, March 28, 2008

In the beginning...

I just found out that one of my good friends is expecting her first baby. I am so happy for her. There is something so amazing about the first pregnancy. It is all so new and exciting... I envy her the first time she hears her babies heart beat, the first time she sees her baby on a sonogram, the first time she feels the baby move.

When I really think about my pregnancies... they were horrible. I was one of the lucky folk who had "morning sickness" all day... it was fantastic. With Isobel, I couldn't wear shoes for the last 3 weeks of the pregnancy (thank goodness she was born at 37 weeks). I threw up at least once a day from the fifth week of my pregnancy until the day Eli was born. I won’t even begin to list all of the issues with Emmy... they were all miserable. After Emmy was born Jon told me that there was no way he could survive another one of my pregnancies, so we had to be done (isn't it funny how men can make the misery of pregnancy about them).

It was all worth it. I would be sick every day for the rest of my life if it was a requirement for having my children. In all reality I was only pregnant for a total of 28 months and I now have 3 amazing people in my life... and a new found respect for my mother.

Congratulations J! I love you!

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
