Sunday, June 15, 2008

Two weeks in, Two months to go...

Summer is exhausting. As a child, I hated the idea of year round school. As a parent, I am open to it.

Isobel spent the first week of June at Safety Town. If you have a child about to start kindergarten and you have Safety Town in your area, check it out. It really was great experience for her. She was sad when it ended.

My parents were here last week with my niece (L) and my nephew (Z). I am so glad they came. The kids had a great time and I finally got to spend some time with Z. He is such a great addition to our family and I am so thankful that he and my sister found each other. I have never spent much time thinking about adoption, but I am so glad that it is available. I can't imagine any reality without Z as a part of our family. If anyone is looking for an International Adoption blog, feel free to check out my sisters.

Now that we are back on a semi-ordinary schedule, I will be able to blog more (I am sure you have all been checking daily and cursing me for my lack of posts). I will add some pictures soon... of course I didn't take a single picture last week, so there won't be any of L and Z... but then I would have to ask my sister for permission to post them, and I am too much of a rebel for that...

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
