Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time flies...

It seems like just yesterday I was laying in my bed obsessing over what to buy Jon for his 28th birthday. I had ordered him a couple of CD's on Amazon, trying to avoid schlepping my outrageously swollen body from store to store searching for the obscure CD import. However, it was 10:00 pm on Sunday, January 12th, and it hadn't arrived, nor was it anticipated to arrive by the next evening. I was dreading spending the few hours after work and before dinner trying to decide what to buy him and where to get it (those of you who know us may have heard me complain about how difficult he is to shop for). I would have done anything to get out of that shopping trip.

In Arizona, my parents were packing for a trip to Las Vegas. It was going to be a nice vacation for them, my Dad loves Las Vegas. He is perhaps the only CPA I know who loves the idea of the frivolous and carefree LV lifestyle.

At 5:00 am, the morning of January 13th, I was up for my usual bathroom break, exhausted and trying to decide how I would make it through the next three weeks. I remember thinking, "37 weeks today, only three left to go" while I stared at my disgustingly swollen and painful feet. As I lay back down in bed for another hour of fitful sleep I heard a strange pop and felt a gush, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I was sitting in the bathroom yelling for Jon, who claims he was still asleep (as he was less than 20 feet from my yelling, I doubt it). Finally, I yelled "I think my water broke!" I heard him fall out of bed and start running.

Thirteen hours later, Isobel was born and she was perfect. By far the best Birthday gift I have ever given Jon.

The moral of the story, I really will do anything to avoid shopping for gifts for Jon. :)

Tomorrow, Isobel starts kindergarten. I have been spending a lot of time thinking about her last five years and how grown up she is.

So, the next few days, I plan to be sappy and post lots of pictures from Isobel's last five years. I started last night with one of her first pictures... I can't believe she was ever that little, I can't believe she is already this big...

Needless to say, my parents didn't make the trip to Vegas; I guess I owe them one... I am sure I will pay them back, just like always (in this case, always means never).

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
