Saturday, August 9, 2008

A trip to the playground...

Jon is lucky enough to be off on Fridays at 3:00, so he tends to be home no later than 3:30. Yesterday, he promised the kids that if the play room was clean when he got home from work he would take them to the play ground. Not just any play ground, but the play ground at Isobel's new school. This was such a huge reward for Isobel. She starts kindergarten in two weeks and is crazy excited.

So after I was done working, we headed over the playground. The kids had such a great time. This is the first time Emmy has been to a play ground since she started walking, so she had a blast. She was all over the place. I have a feeling that she is going to be my daring one. She climbs on everything... has no fear at all (and she is quite a ham).

Here are some pictures of the trip... there are actually some really good ones of Eli.

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
