Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And he is three...

Today is Eli's third birthday. He is at the age where he understands that he is a year older, but doesn't really grasp the concept of birthdays. We decided that we would open gifts first thing this morning, so he would have all day to play with his new toys. Unfortunately, Isobel has been sick, so she wasn't a lot of fun today. He has spent most of the day asking people to play with him. Isobel has been obliging for short stints, but hasn't been able to do a full day play-a-thon as Eli would have liked.

Here are some pics of Eli and his favorite gifts...

Tonight we will have pancakes for dinner and a giant chocolate chip cookie with a Diego topper for dessert... I will miss the cake, but Eli doesn't like cake. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that he has any Byrne in him at all.

Happy Birthday, Eli! We love you!

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Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
