Monday, May 26, 2008


Eli spent Friday morning wearing only a shirt, that afternoon we progressed to underwear. He had one accident, which bothered him tremendously. He woke up Sunday morning in a wet diaper, but has not had an accident since. He even woke up in a dry diaper this morning... I am so psyched... I am just hoping I am not jinxing our success by writing this.

He is so cute. After he goes to the bathroom, he comes running up to me and says "Mommy, I went pee-pee in the potty" then he yells "woo-hoo!" and his arms shoot up over his head... he is so proud of himself (as he should be).

He seems to be very surprised that there are potty's other than those at the YMCA and our house. When we are out and he looks like he needs to go, we ask, and he replies with "They have potty's here?" It is refreshing that something like a public restroom can make him happy.

Therefore, we are officially using underwear at home during waking hours, and pull ups at night or if we leave the house... no more "baby" diapers.



Anonymous said...

yay! two down, one to go!


Marissa said...

Thanks! I have been considering potty training Emmy now as well. I saw something on TV about people who never use diapers... can you picture me holding Emmy over the toilet to go to the bathroom... I am not sure I have the dedication. :)

Random thoughts of a work at home mom struggling to maintain an identity of her own.
